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Showing posts with label Arabic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arabic. Show all posts

Resources: Learn Arabic alphabet letters – free printable worksheets


Introduction to Modern Standard Arabic


Review: Elementary Modern Standard Arabic


دع الأيام تفعل ما تشاء


Learning handwriting of Arabic letters (baa')


أبو الطيب المتنبي: "الخيل والليل والبيداء تعرفني"


Arabic Alphabet: taa'


Arabic Alphabet: thaa'


في محطة الحافلات


Modern Standard Arabic; an Introduction


Learning handwriting of Arabic letters (baa')


دع الأيام تفعل ما تشاء


أيْنَ المَكْتَبَةُ مِنْ فَضْلِك؟


هل لـَــك أخٌ؟


كَيْفَ حالـُـــك؟


Sounds of the Arabic letters and more

Practice the sounds of the Arabic alphabet: These clips will teach students at least four things about the Arabic alphabet:
1. The proper pronunciation of each of the Arabic letters associated with the three short vowels (A, U, E).
2. The proper pronunciation of the "sun" and "moon" letters when the sample words are used with and without the definite article "al" [the].
3. The pronunciation of the nominative "tanween", which is the case ending of nouns and adjectives that are indefinite. Once the definite article "al" is added, notice the single damma as the case ending, instead of tanween.
4. Learning the handwritten shapes and names of the Arabic letters; first the name, then each letter is written is the initial, medial, and final position (of a word). Since some Arabic letters connect on both sides to other letters and some don't, students should pay attention to that on the graphics.
These videos clips are useful for practicing proper pronunciation of the Arabic letters. For this reason, the clips are kept short so that students can listen to them many times over.

Elementary Modern Standard Arabic: More about the Arabic Alphabet

Elementary Modern Standard Arabic: More about the Arabic Alphabet 

Elementary Modern Standard Arabic: Arabic and Alphabet and Feminine/masculine marker

Elementary Modern Standard Arabic: Arabic and Alphabet and Feminine/masculine marker

alKitaab Supplement


This CD can be made available to students in any university's Language Center for use in local language labs. and it may be duplicated for students' use only. You can order al-Kitaab Supplement  online or search for it in other stores using this ISBN: 1-59109-565-4.

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